EEPC is an organisation of ethylene producers
and technology contractors in Europe

EEPC 2022 - Ethylene Seminar

Marseille – France : World trace center
Wednesday 26 > Friday 28 October 2022

EEPC is a European organisation of ethylene producers and technology providers.

The EEPC was founded in 1996 with the purpose of providing a platform for the exchange of non-confidential information relating to the health, safety and environmental issues encountered in the production and handling of ethylene. The Committee is part of the Lower Olefins Sector Group within Cefic and has a very active membership of enthusiastic experts from Operating Companies and Technology Providers involved in ethylene production in Europe. The Main Committee has a current membership of 22 plus Associate members from companies involved in ethylene production outside Europe. There is a close co-operation with the American Institute of Chemical Engineers which is hosting the US Ethylene Producers Committee.

Members Area

Facts and figures concerning production of ethylene propylene and benzene in Europe.

Upcoming Events

16.10.2024 - 18.10.2024

EEPC 2024 – Ethylene Seminar

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